To exploit the potential of production equipment for industrial adhesive application to its full extent, it is necessary to know its functions and respect its needs. In order for this purpose to be fulfilled, it is essential for the companies that use gluing to understand the issues associated with it as much as possible. That is why Kaletech has paid great attention to the training of gluing equipment operators right from the beginning.
Kaletech offers basic operator training, which is included in the price of newly purchased equipment.
Do you think the device in the photograph is okay? Absolutely not! In this case, the tank is pointlessly overfilled, which results in glue getting in places where it should not be and causing problems. This can be prevented in two ways. One of them is our systems for automatic adhesive refilling. The other is the training of operators and maintenance personnel in the proper handling of this technology. The absolute majority of our service interventions result from lack of knowledge by employees. Contact us! We will teach your employees how to handle the equipment properly and thus save you the costs associated with repairs and equipment shutdowns.
Have you purchased an older device for industrial adhesive application and need training in its use? We will be happy to teach you everything you need to know for its operation and maintenance. We will recommend appropriate steps to optimise it and carry out regular maintenance.
One of our goals is to increase awareness of new and progressive technologies. That is why we try to ensure sufficient information not only for all our customers, but also for everyone interested in the field of industrial gluing. For this reason, we organise workshops with the aim of bringing various industrial gluing technologies to as many people interested as possible.