Teijin Automotive Technologies Czech s.r.o. has optimized the bonding of battery covers with Robatech technology. Efficiency, quality and reliability in one solution.

Efficient and reliable bonding of battery covers for electric vehicles

Teijin Automotive Technologies Czech s.r.o. was looking for a reliable technology for bonding battery covers for electric vehicles. Requirements included high quality adhesive application on complex three-dimensional parts, speed of production and affordable service. The previous supplier did not meet these requirements, which led to a search for a new solution that would ensure high production standards and reliability.


JHV - Solutions and Kaletech supplied new production lines with Robatech MultiMelt and Aero technology. This technology enables precise adhesive application using automatically controlled nozzles and provides flexible set-up for different product sizes. The centralized adhesive supply and advanced Aero heads make the process fast, efficient and adaptable to specific production requirements.


The new solution has improved production quality through application accuracy and process efficiency. The technology operates reliably with no downtime and enables versatile use of the line. In addition, Kaletech's rental program supported testing prior to live operation. Satisfaction with the results led to a plan to use the services and Kaletech for other production lines.

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